Increase Updates by Feed

The current update cap by feed is 25 transactions. As a result my IT peer has to run our feed script every 20 minutes to avoid a failure, which he doesn't have time day to day to manage; this is not his primary job.

The feed cap should be far more reasonable than this to sustain the industry best practice of daily updates. We are global and have 12,000 employees, and we need to be able to run the feed in a reasonable way. 25-change cap is not reasonable.

1 votes

Already Available · Last Updated

We think this is already available however this customer requires customer support.


  • Michael Murphy
    Michael Murphy
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Hi @Nicole Young thank you for bringing this up. That limit of 25 transactions does not sound correct. We have customers who are importing hundreds of thousands of records without issues. Could you please reach out to our customer support and they can start investigating this?