Exclude Domains from making Percipio account
Currently in Percipio we have the ability to add "Allowed Domains" as part of the security in setting up a Percipio account. The issue with this is some of the emails that need to be excluded prelude the allowed name. Example. Allowed Domain "USA.Gov", but there are associates and contractors with "associate.USA.gov"…
Personalized and Relevant Intelligent Skill Mapper (PRISM) enhancements
It would be useful to include the option to exclude content that is marked as having a Pending Retirement Date without having to double check these manually. It would also be great if the specific site url can be included in this report, again saving a very manual task.
Incompletion Reports
Would really like to see a journey report that shows by user what trainings from the journey have NOT been completed. Attempting to identify this through cross-referencing what content items they have completed in comparison to the full list of journey content items is tedious and prohibitively time consuming. It would…
Download list of live events scheduled on platform with Live event content item url
It would be extremely helpful if as a site admin you could download a list of the live events (Leadercamps and Bootcamps) from the live event calendar to a excel spreadsheet, which included a column containing the url of the live i.e. https://customersite.percipio.com/liveCourse/ac921dc5-29f7-4a1c-bb25-c247d1a90289 and…
License Distribution - Add a search bar or order the existing audiences
Currently, Percipio shows the list without an order. It is a bit difficult to find the correct audience to distribute licenses.
Custom Content Testing
Create test building feature on custom content during content upload. SCORM packages are an option but lengthy work. Test builds inside content upload would be much easier for single item assignments.
Bulk Remove option for individual users in an audience
We need a way to bulk remove individual users from an audience including inactive users. Right now the only option is to use the Add Individual Users feature to remove active users one by one. Removing inactive users is even harder - having to scroll through the entire list of Selected Users since there is no search option…
Audience Management
Allow the option to completely replace the list of users in the audience via the bulk update option, instead of only allowing additions to the audience. For example, I regularly get reports of thousands of people who need to be in an existing audience. Instead of simply bulk uploading the template that has thousands of…
Default Audience for Country Administrators
Hello all, When Country Admins create a Channel, the "all users" audience is currently selected by default. Could we change the default to the audience that they actually own? Since Country Admins should only be able to create content, channels, and similar items for their own audiences, preselecting their audience by…
Learning Program Reports and Audience Administrator
Learning Program learning progress Percentage in Reports: Currently, the Learning Program Report displays the program status (Achieved, Started, and Not Started) but does not provide the percentage of completion for each user. However, this information is visible within the respective learning program. We request you to…