Admin access to our users' ratings

The switch to a 5-star rating of content is a great one. People are much more likely to respond than to the longer survey, and it tracks with what they see in other online platforms.

My request: I'd like to be able to see the ratings from my organization.

Use case: I organize an in-person course using Skillsoft content for new managers. Feedback has indicated that some of the e-learning isn't high-level enough. I'd like to encourage them to rate the content, and then I can use that feedback to decide what to include and cut from the program in the future. However, I can't see those ratings.

Complicating factor: there is of course still the "Give feedback" button. This survey is longer than most people want to respond to, and hasn't seen a good track record of usage. But those are the results I can actually see. Do I need to tell them to use "Give feedback" instead of the stars/rating option? Not ideal/not easy to remember. It's confusing to currently have both options.

If you could please update me on the roadmap related to this and if you have any recommendations for handling this specific situation, I'd appreciate it.

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  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    The 5-star rating values for your organization can be found in the All Content Listing Report (make sure to enable that column) and also in the Learner Feedback Dashboard for "Top rated" content. Hope that helps!