Exam Question User Detail Report

Please add a report that takes advantage of the data from SCORM 2004 for exams. Specifically, we would like a report that shows how users answered each question in an exam.  The report columns should include the question number, the question stem, the right answer(s), the answer selected by the user, and an indication if the user chose correctly or incorrectly. 

5 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated


  • Unknown
    edited April 2023

    @Steve Corbett thanks again for your input.

    Question-level analytics is a feature that we have in our R&D pipeline for 1) Compliance courses 2) Standard Skillsoft Courses and 3) Custom courses (i.e., SCORM). 

    In our research we have noticed that the SCORM data can vary a bit from customer to customer and course to course, so we are trying to figure out if we can offer a "custom" reporting service option. We have the data in its raw form.

    Perhaps we can discuss with your Customer Success Manager, and put a POC in place to have a look at a couple of your courses? This may be a good short-term approach while we work on solutioning for these types of analytics down the road. 

    cc: @Michael Murphy @Michelle Zaccaglino @Bowen Yang @Michelle Vonderau 

  • Michelle Vonderau
    Michelle Vonderau
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Awesomes
    edited April 2023

    Thank you @Monica Kraft 

    @Eric Mesnik and @Erin Reitz Vecchia ccing you for visibility