Performing reports on Excel
Some columns of our reports can not be performed by excel due to the format. For example, in Journey Detail by User report admins can't perform any calculation as it's a mix of numbers and letter. Can we improve this ?
Exam-only Function
It would be great to have the ability to create an exam only (no course) and not have the option for the user to relaunch the exam. Once they take it, they should not be able to access it again. Absorb has this easy functionality but it is confusing to employees to use two platforms. The exam I created cannot be used in…
Introduce a Boolean search functionality into Percipio
Current Challenge: As it stands, our content curation is managed through Excel, with each content item requiring individual searches to then add within Percipio. This process is not only time-consuming but also less efficient, often taking hours per project. Proposed Solution: By enabling Boolean search, we can utilise…
Admin Management
Allowing admin users to see employees completed training certificates, this allows them to have easy access when other establishments request certificates, rather than connecting with each individual for their certs.
Learner Trends
Could we add to a dashboard learner trends such as times people learn, or favourite days, etc
Mandatory learning vs Self-Enrolled learning - Learner Activity Report
Would it be possible to have a filter in the Learner Activity Report where we are able to see if the learner took the asset as part of the assignment or just as a free choice? Thanks in advance.
Reporting for banners that are not images and not built into Percipio
Currently we do not have reporting available for image banners and we have marketing for an internal site that promotes Percipio content and would love to see the click through rates for it.
Waiver User UUID
Hello, on the waiver upload form I find the "requirement" to use the user UUID vs email or User ID very frustrating as the UUID is not readily available outside of a User Listing report and when referencing the completed upload form (at a glance to spot check or review after the fact) I have no way to know what user is…
Admin Download of Employee Completion Certs
As a system admin for Percipio, it would be great to be able to download the completion certs for the employees that complete an assignment. This would remove the steps of having the employee download and email the certification of completion for record.
Custom Content Strips - Add Ability to point to Area/Subject
Currently Content Strip Promotions only points to content, channels or journeys. If I want to promote a subject within percipio, I have to create a custom link (pointing to a subject) add it to a channel so it is visible, then make the content strip with the custom links. It is not while it works, it is not the best…