Assignments - ability to not have reminders after due date

I love the ability to have automatic reminders now!! Great addition.

One possible change: for some assignments, after the due date, it's just not going to happen. They won't finish it and it's not worth bothering them anymore. (Use case: background before a live event.) I should be able to not have reminders after the due date. (My work-around now is to put an impossible number of days before the next reminder.)

6 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated



  • Unknown
    edited October 2023

    Yes, this is a good idea and something that we can add pretty easily for both assignments and now learning programs. @Hema Vanapalli can add this to product roadmap and schedule in 2024.

  • Hi @Hema Vanapalli any update on this? I would also like to add on this that a feature to choose what kind of reminder I would like to send would be great. Currently there are three types of reminders, an initial reminder after assigned, due date approaching reminder and after due date reminder. Please add the capability to choose which one I would like.