Additional Data Fields required by API

Hi Team

I have a customer who would like to add the following data fields to the existing data fields that come across in the API service.

Total Badges Earned

Total Unique Users

Asset Type

Assessment Attempts


Many thanks, Vanessa

1 votes

New Idea · Last Updated


  • Tom Donohoe
    Tom Donohoe
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi Vanessa,

    I assume you are asking about our Reporting Services API? If so we can consider adding this additional detail, if available to our API services.

    Thanks for your submission!


  • Hi Tom

    Yes it is. Thank you for the update. What are the timescales please?

    Many thanks


  • Tom Donohoe
    Tom Donohoe
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper

    Hi Vanessa,

    We will do some initial SPIKE work to determine if possible and then if so, schedule the work. This is probably a Q1/Q2 initiative.
