Replace "My Settings" with "My Profile" and move "Skills Interest" and "Role & Skills Rating"
Kayla Miller ARC
Replace "My Settings" with "My Profile" and move "Skills Interest" and "Role & Skills Rating"
"My Profile" should include areas that help learners properly optimize their profiles for better content suggestions. Two of these areas are under "My Learning" which is not intuitive.
- "My Settings" - stays the same
- "My Skills" - skills interest
- "My Role" - role & skills rating
After these are re-located create a 30 second "Update Your Profile" video to show folks how to get the most out of their profile.
Thanks for these suggestions @Kayla Miller ARC We are doing a design exercise around the My Learning page, and have been having these conversations about the learner's profile as well. Stay tuned for enhancements in this area in the new year.