Enhancement Request under "Live Courses" on Percipio

Hi Skillsoft team,

I hope this message finds you well.

My name is Kisa and I am the coordinator for the global EDIB team managing the EDIB Academy on Percipio. I was advised to reach out to you to share the issue I am having with the new interface of Percipio. I have tried filtering the live courses option to just "upcoming dates" but it did not work and still showed all the classes that had EDIB in them. Additionally, when I tried looking at the individual classes the dates are not in chronological order. Is there any way to get this fixed? I have experienced my filters not sticking when I was using the old interface but not as disorganised as this. Can you please assist so that I can have better user experience of the system?

Thank you!

2 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated



  • Steph
    5 Agrees 5 Likes 5 Up Votes First Anniversary

    Adding to this that we have also received multiple complaints from our facilitators about the class dates not being in chronological order. How soon will this be corrected? Many courses have 40+ classes, and it can be difficult to find the upcoming ones.

  • @Steph @Kisa Lorizo, CUPA - The class dates are now sorted into chronological order. Please test it out!

    For the feedback on upcoming dates, we are tracking feedback on this filtering option. When you filter to upcoming dates Courses without classes will still display, however, they will not be bolded and will not have a drop down. Courses with classes with upcoming dates will be expandable.

    This filtering currently works this way as there are actions at a course and class level. An admin may want to see courses without upcoming dates so they can add more. We understand some admins have the opposite desire to then easily only see the Courses with Classes.

    Thank you,