Link to course from isolated video

Claudia Trapp
Claudia Trapp
100 Up Votes Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper

It's great to be able to access just a short video on a topic of interest. In some cases, folks might want to explore more, and be interested in the course containing the video.  The videos I accessed today don't include that information.

Specific example:

Video: Tracking document changes:

Course: Proofing documents in Word 365;

7 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated


  • When you launch a Video from search results, the video will play in video-only mode. I know LP has considered adding a way to get to the parent course from video-only mode player, but I do not know if that is planned. @Donna Scontsas

  • Adding a link to the course that contains the video is on our list of future enhancements, but we don't have an ETA yet.