Add bulk user import functionality for Completions/Waivers in Skillsoft Percipio

Currently, you can grant waivers/completions for "one content item for up to 1000 users," but to do so, you have to manually search for and add each user. I have at least 20K+ waivers/completions still to grant from training completions that were imported from Skillport for courses that are part of Journeys in Percipio, because the completed training from Skillport only show up as "external learning" and not as "Activity".
2 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Sanjeeb Sahu
    Sanjeeb Sahu
    100 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2023
    Hey Isabelle,

    Thank you for bringing this to our notice. Its already in our road map by Q2/Q3 we have this in our platform.
    edited August 2023

    Hello Sanjeeb,

    Thank for the update. This feature will be quite convenient . Please let us know if it is still on course and when it is scheduled for release.

