Quick Identifier of Collection for Content
As a learner/admin for a company with multiple collections available it would be useful to have an identifier next to content to show what collection it is in. This would help prevent situations when a learner/admin tries to share content with another learner, not knowing what collection it is in, and shares content that…
Enhance Visibility: Separate Skills Builder Framework from Aspire Journey
The Skills Builder Framework is a valuable feature, but its placed at the bottom of the Aspire Journey page makes it easy to overlook. Could it be separated and given its own page?
Self-Assigned Courses to boost engagement and save time for admins
Implementing self-assign course functionality and integrating it into the Individual Development Plan (IDP) will make the learning experience more personalised and engaging for users. It also reduces the workload for managers and admins, making it easier to manage training. This change benefits both learners and the…
Ability to let the unknown curators curate and make the WIIFM connection without admin intervention.
We do not know who is 'curating' content for teams across our organization. Therefore, we can not give them elevated permissions in Percipio to create a channel or upload custom content. Custom content would need to be uploaded because in curating content for learners at our organization, we must tie in a strong 'what's in…
Have the system email the NASBA CPE Certificate to the learner when training is complete
Stop the Music?
Is it possible to eliminate the 5 seconds of music from the beginning and end of each chapter? In addition to adding time it's the same thing over, and over. Thank you! :)
Stop the intro/ending music
Do we really need the chiming in music at the intro and out-tro (beginning and end) of every module, especially when the sections are only 1 to 3 min long and the content is 60 min, I have to have this dead space for all the sections! Maybe 10+ times of wasted seconds add up and is annoying for end users.
Preferred Name Option
Would it be possible for Users to input a preferred name for Percipio to display? My name show as Anthony based on the data my company provides. However, I go by Tony. A preferred name option for users would allow me to input what I prefer to be called and display that for the UI in Percipio/Skillsoft.
Additional language offering
We have a lot of employees in India and noticed that the platform doesn't have Kannada as a language option. I would love to see this added with the many language offerings.
What's New tab should have 'new' content
The new Percipio layout looks great - but the What's New tab seems to be wasted space as nothing on it is actually 'new'. It has a great name that would draw I would love to see the ability for open text that we as admins could input to frame up what our learners are actually thinking about, experiencing, etc at our…