Assignment: Show Completion "circle" (similar to Journeys)
Our clients are suggesting we add the "Completion Circle & percentage" for each assignment to the Learner's UI when they open up the "Assignment" page. This is so that there is greater insight for the learner as to their progress in assignments. Instead of simply which courses in the assignment are completed.
Assignment Page for Learners
Requesting two updates to the Assignments page for learners. First request is to please make it so that learners can easily sort their list of Assignments by status: Not Started, Started & Completed. Currently, it shows everything and buries the most active assignment at the bottom of the list. Or have the page divided…
Assignment Sorting for Learner
as of now we see it can be sorted from oldest to newest but there is a need to sort from newest to oldest as well. So please add this as a ticket.
Percipio Channel and Benchmarks
Please move the Assess tab on channels to the first position, so that is what users first see and try.
Benchmark Score History
Allow the learner to see ALL their scores for one benchmark, i.e., their best score, previous scores, or percentage increase compared to the last data point. How can they feel a sense of improvement if they can't see where they started? How can they showcase their improvement to their managers? This would be amazing during…
Role Adviser - allow learners to select more job roles
Hello, currently in the Role Adviser page, learners can select a job role or change to another job role. The recommendations are for one job role at a time. It would be great to allow learners to select additional roles to what they have already selected. This capability would let them see and compare the recommendations…
Enable language switch for Percipio integration via channel share links
We have integrated our customer Percipio site via share links redirecting users to all channels in all languages. However we found out that learners were unable to see content in a particular language when they switched language via the Percipio drop down menu. This issue is impacting all learners and we are unbale to…
Customization of certificate on Percipio
Hi Team, We have a request for customization of certificate specifically the look and feel. We should be able to change the design on the certificate and embed our logo for more company-centric look.
Data-Tracking for Custom Image Banners
I use a mix of promoted content and custom image banners for my homepage, but I have no marketing data to show for the custom image promotions. I could better target my marketing efforts if I knew what was successful in driving my learners to engage!
App has "set your weekly learning goal" every single time
Every time I log into the app, I get a request to "set your weekly learning goal." I've decided I don't want to have one. I wish eventually the request would go away.