have more flexible settings for the no-reply email address to be alternative email without SMTP

my company doesn't have SMTP , we only use Microsoft 365 so the alternative email setting won't work for us.

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  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    We believe that Microsoft 365 can support this, however you will need to contact Support for help.

  • I'm thinking allowing the no-reply emails from Percipio to accept an email, and not bounce back an error would be a useful feature enhancement for this?

    At least with the clients I have spoken with, the no-reply@percipio.com email is not the issue, it's getting the email error back.

  • Steph
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Likes 5 Up Votes

    Our organization also has an issue with the current process to add an alternative email. Our IT does not want to provide Percipio the access (sorry, not sure of the technical piece), but they were adamant that we cannot use the current process as it is too risky. We'd love to have an easier way to do this.

  • @Monica Kraft Microsoft does have the SMTP settings etc. available online for configuring IMAP/POP profiles but the info required within the Alternate Email section in Percipio also requires an SMTP Username and Password. There's probably some security issue for our IT/GIS departments, like @Steph , but another issue is that we want to use our shared inbox for the training group which doesn't have a username and password. Or at least one that they share with us. If the username/password weren't required perhaps the values Microsoft provided would work. No expert here, though, so I really don't know.