Want Skillsoft to Report Progress/Completion Status of JOURNEY AICC to LMS

Can we please implement functionality in Percipio to facilitate reporting back the Journey status, at least at the all items/full completion level, meaning, if the Journey contains i.e. 6 individual videos, if not able to report back on the number or % of those 6 that have been completed, at least be able to show e.g. Started, and Completed, once all 6 videos have a status of completed on the Percipio/Skillsoft side.

Background: We often need to create Custom Journey's comprised of i.e. one or more videos from the same or different courses, and then we create and download this Journey as an AICC file, which we upload as an item that is part of an online course in our LMS, and then assign to employees, and track/report on the status of completion from our LMS reports.

In LinkedIn these Journey's (called Paths) AICC files uploaded to a course and accessed via our LMS would be updated to show when the Journey was completed, this status reporting from Percipio/Skillsoft back to the LMS, doesn't happen for Journey's; Aspire or Custom, for some reason with Percipio.

I'm not sure why as it's obviously an available AICC functionality, as it was possible between LinkedIn Learning and our LMS.

Is this because, as stated in the matrix showing what is and is not reported back to the LMS, only LEGACY AICC functionality/features were installed in Percipio? Can this functionality enabling reporting back on Journey progress be implemented in Percipio please!

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