Benchmark Answer Colors

The colors used for bench

mark question grading are confusing. Take multi-answers as the example (screenshot attached). A correct non-selection is red. An incorrect selection is also red. A correct answer/selection is green. An incorrect non-selection is also green. This results in the user having to read each answer response to determine where they made a correct selection or and incorrect selection.

Anything correct (correct answer/selection or non-selection) should be green. Anything incorrect should be red. Tnen the user can scan the incorrect 'red' questions to review their mistakes.

1 votes

Not In Current Roadmap · Last Updated

Conflicts with requests from other customers and our overall test assessment philosophy.


  • Steven Yonchak
    Steven Yonchak
    Name Dropper First Anniversary First Comment

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback @Erin Manning. There are many points of view about how to represent this data.

    We follow an instructional design model that considers avoiding a distractor in a multiple-choice question to be a correct answer. With this in mind, we want to reward learners who avoid a "trap" in the multiple-choice question with acknowledgement of their successful choices.

    I hope this is helpful.