Benchmark Answer Colors

The colors used for bench
mark question grading are confusing. Take multi-answers as the example (screenshot attached). A correct non-selection is red. An incorrect selection is also red. A correct answer/selection is green. An incorrect non-selection is also green. This results in the user having to read each answer response to determine where they made a correct selection or and incorrect selection.
Anything correct (correct answer/selection or non-selection) should be green. Anything incorrect should be red. Tnen the user can scan the incorrect 'red' questions to review their mistakes.
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback @Erin Manning. There are many points of view about how to represent this data.
We follow an instructional design model that considers avoiding a distractor in a multiple-choice question to be a correct answer. With this in mind, we want to reward learners who avoid a "trap" in the multiple-choice question with acknowledgement of their successful choices.
I hope this is helpful.0