Users to have option to take dump of Search results.

Users often search for content they want and system provides matching results. Often user wants to search further but the searchable filters are limited and Percipio does not support complex and/or conditions for further filtration.

Percipio should provide a provision to take dump (csv format) of filtered result set at any point in time. This will then enable user to share it with others or to do complex filtration using spreadsheet. It adds value to user experience and enables user to narrow down search results infinitely.

The columns in the dump may be configurable or if it is fixed all relevant attributes to be there - Content Title, Content Type, Language, Duration, Expertise, UUID, Provider etc as appropriate. The dump should be designed such that it provides meaningful details for assets such as Courses, Books, Benchmarks, Audios, Simulators etc and as well as containers such as Channel and Journey.

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New Idea · Last Updated


  • This capability is useful from Learning Administrator point of view as well.