Download lists of custom items directly from manage page

We would like to be able to report/download all items listed in Content Items, Channels, Journeys, Dynamic Content & Live Courses ILT so that we can better manage audits, clean-ups, curation sharing, etc.
This could be either directly from the manage page (similar to download user list from User manager) or as a report in Analytics list.
Thanks, yes. This is an affordance that many customers would benefit from. We will consider adding the download to the manage list pages.
In the meantime, you can get a list of content items from the All Content Listing report. It does include the channels and journeys as a separate column but does not allow you to "distinct" the values in the report, so you could do this in Excel.
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Thanks Monica, this would be greatly appreciated.
The downside of the workaround for Channels and Journeys is that it doesn't provide publisher name to enable us to identify the owner responsible, or creation/modified date so that we can target the old stuff. Fingers crossed it will make it onto the roadmap soon 😊