Exclude Domains from making Percipio account

Currently in Percipio we have the ability to add "Allowed Domains" as part of the security in setting up a Percipio account. The issue with this is some of the emails that need to be excluded prelude the allowed name.

Example. Allowed Domain "USA.Gov", but there are associates and contractors with "associate.USA.gov" because they have the "USA.gov" they are allowed an account, but we need to be able to block them from setting up an account.

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Need More Information · Last Updated


  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    We would like some more information to understand the domains you would like to include vs. exclude. The product manager for this feature will send you an email. Thanks!

  • Great, I look forward to hearing from them.