Global Assignments With Unique Audience Reporting

Context: We have assignments we release to our entire population, 29 countries.

Each country is split into an audience that has a unique owner. These owners cannot and should not ever see the data from other audiences (countries).

We need weekly reporting, per audience for this global assignment, to get to these audience owners so that they can perform the required escalation levels (i.e. John is overdue on his Data Protection assignment by 4 days).

The current reporting allows only for the data to be extracted globally, meaning we have to manually contact each of these individuals after extracting the reports ourselves.

The idea is that: Global Assignments provide an option to set reports based on unique audience ownership or global downloads/viewing possible

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  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    Currently we have audience scoping in reporting, which requires that you preconfigure audiences by country, or some other user attribute such as Department or Manager. This controls visibility of the data to the proper individuals. Perhaps we should engage with your CSM to look at how you are managing your audiences now?