Adding tags to custom content


Can the ability to add tags to custom content and ILTs based on competencies and descriptors (beyond beginner, intermediate, and advanced) be added?

Thank you.

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Need More Information · Last Updated


  • Aligning your custom content to your competency framework could be done using the Discovery Details, where you can put in additional search tags that will be indexed by the search engine on the site. Is it safe to assume that you would also like these tags to be visible, and even used in reporting? If so, this sounds more like a custom skills taxonomy framework that maps all content in the library, both Skillsoft and custom to Skills.

    It would be great to learn more about your use case/needs. Perhaps we can schedule a time to talk with our Skills Product Manager @Steven Yonchak ?

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your reply. The discovery details are not what we need, since we would like to add topics like Onboarding, Skill development, etc. I'm happy to attend a meeting.