Simplify the "My Learning" page

Simplify the "My Learning" page and make it each person's landing page. It currently operates like a "My Profile" page which is very confusing.

"My Learning" should include the following in this order:

  • "My Assignments" - if there are assignments make this visible, if not the first should be "continue learning"
  • "Continue Learning" - recent learning, basically anything I need to take or I'm in the middle of taking
  • "My List" - playlists, program, benchmarks, activities, or anything I've saved for future learning. They don't all need their own area. Too many clicks.
  • "My Accomplishments" - Anything I've completed. I don't need 4 clicks
  • "My Notes" - anything I've taken notes.

This is how netfilix and tiktok make it SO easy to find and share content.

"My Profile" should include the following and be located under the upper right hand profile dot.

  • "My Settings" stays the same
  • "My Skills"
  • "My Role"

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pb My Learning
