Prioritize assignments on the home page

Prioritize My Assignments on the home page, instead of recent learning.
New enhancement made recent learning the first toggled option on explore.
Employees need to be able to see My Assignments easily when they first log in to see their upcoming due dates.
We launch our annual training tomorrow and this "enhancement" cause confusion for our employees when they are logging in for the first time.
I agree, assignments should be the first thing people see. I actually think the only things that you should see on this ribbon are "My Assignments" and "My Learning".
I just put in an idea to Simplify the "My Learning" page so it's easier to navigate and too help this ribbon become more relevant to learners.
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Hi Katie - With the addition of the Assignments to the left hand navigation, we see a lot of learners using that to access Assignments (when not following the link in the Assignment emails which is the primary path used.) Note - recent learner feedback indicates finding the content they were just accessing as a usability issue, that was a driver for making the switch in the homepage tab order. We are watching this closely to make sure this change is not negatively impacting assignment completions. thanks - Jen