Dynamic Content - Journey/Learning Program Assignments

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We are currently working to get automated assignments for our staff based on their roles. While we were doing this, we identified a business case to use the new dynamic content functionality to provide learners with specific learning programs and/or journeys tailored to their role. One example of using this functionality: our fundraising staff may host 1 or 2 specific events or all of them depending on which region they are in, but still have the same role/title. We'd love to be able to leverage the dynamic content to be able to ask them which events they manage and assign a learning program or multiple learning journeys based on their responses.

4 votes

Under Consideration · Last Updated

PB Journeys


  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    Thanks for this suggestion. We will be considering this in the future; that is the ability to reference/curate journeys similarly to how we curate courses. Stay tuned.