Role Advisor - Enhancements

Role advisor is a good feature to have and may be considered a learning path for some learners. It would be really great to consider the following enhancements that are more meaningful for the learners:
- On the Aspirational Role page or other page as appropriate, show a summary of skill gaps that between the current role and aspirational role. This helps learners to quickly identify what it takes to full fill the aspirational role instead of switching back and forth between the two roles to compare.
- On the Activity or Achievement page, add Role Advisor progress tracking in which it shows which activities have been achieved per selected role/aspirational role. And still offer the ability to explore more recommendations for those roles. Role Advisor could be overwhelmed with the vast content recommendations, by seeing which skills have been acquired give learners idea of how they are doing for the selected role.
Thank you Skillsoft team for continuing in researching and improving Percipio!
Thanks for this comment. We are logging this to our pb insight board. We will add your feedback to a list of potential enhancements we are evaluating to our overall Role Advisor experiences for a future release.