No data pull timeline constraint on dashboard

I am looking for easy ways to pull total unique learners and learning hrs. since inception of our contract with Skillsoft (3+ years) to help measure utilization and reach within our learners and impact of the platform. However, when I tried the Overview dashboard and the Executive Reports, they all have time constraints that can only go back to max span of 24 monthsSee sample error snapshot below.

When I reached out to my account rep for guidance, the only suggestion they can do is for us to "run the Learner Activity report for each year, add the reports together, then sort for unique users and sum the total learning hours column." …. That doesn't sound streamlined or inefficient. Instead, it is very manual and labor intensive. Can we remove the time constraint on the Overview dashboard so it is more comprehensive and aggregate instead of forcing us to pull multiple reports and add them up? Thank you for your consideration

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  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    The Overview Dashboard is not your best choice as it is based on Page View data and not User-Asset data which is more precise. The Executive Dashboard has both data point but does not have a CSV download yet. We are working that in a future release. In the meantime, another option is the User Summary report which includes all users, and has a time filter for "All Activity to Date" which is "All time". You can sum the columns that you need to including completions, badges, time, etc.