Q&A SME Users

First Anniversary First Comment

It would be very helpful to assign one general SME for the entire organization for instances where the AI is unable to answer a question. This overarching SME, could then look internally for the best person to answer subject related questions, and ensures Q&A posts don't get overlooked. Assigning via content when over 250,000 assets is too cumbersome.

4 votes

Need More Information · Last Updated


  • Thank you for the feedback @KaitlinO Today you can assign SMEs to courses, channels, journeys and Subjects. Our assumption is SMEs are defined by the site admins to delegate the responsibilities. Site admins would have overarching view of Q&A activity in their organisation. From what I understand, the overarching SME in this case might not be a site admin? Can you please let me know more details about the role and responsibilities of this org level SME? Thanks in Advance!

  • KaitlinO
    First Anniversary First Comment

    Hi Hema, yes that is correct in that a SME wouldn't be a site admin, but rather someone in an administrative or coordinator role in our organization. They wouldn't be required to manage site pieces, but would get notifications for Q&As that the AI couldn't answer and could then search internally for the best person to support answering a question. Or at least that was our idea.