Managing Custom Content / Linked-content - Add Views and Content Type Column

Currently, there is no way to setup and save the way you want view/filter content on A lot of the columns that are shown by default are irrelevant to our typical usage. Also, we currently have to always remove the filter which only shows the content specifically added by the admin who is viewing the page. It would be nice if we could setup a custom view where we could remove/add irrelevant/relevant columns from the view and save it to be the default view.
One specific column that would be really helpful to see would be the "Content Type" which is one of the fields you fill in when you add custom content to the platform.
Hi @Brian Poulakidas I have some good news for you. It's still default behavior of the custom content list to filter by content created by the user who is currently viewing the list. But we recently released a change so that if you turn off that filter, the page will remember your change and won't continue to automatically filter the list every time you view the page. We can use the same method to save a user's filter settings so when they return to the list, they'll get their last view as the default. We can do that in a future release.
We are also adding Content Type as an optional column in a future release. This would help admins by providing a further breakdown of content from Linked Content to more specific types like PDF, video, etc. Look for that in our release notes for a future release.