Content about collaborating across teams?

I am looking for resources to support staff who partner with staff on other teams. My searches so far have only yielded content related to working within an existing team. Are there any recommendations?


  • @Claudia Trapp I would recommend the channel for "Cross-Functional Collaboration". Does this channel have content that would help you?

  • @Regan LeClair Thanks for your response and recommendation! I looked, and I don't think the content there covers what I'm looking for. Our staff collaborate with other departments - but that doesn't typically involve the creation of a separate cross-functional team. They need to partner and communicate outside of their immediate department. The course "cultivating cross-functional team collaboration," for example, is about a team with multiple functions represented, instead of collaborating across boundaries.

  • Hi @Claudia Trapp could you please share the content gaps you are encountering or would like to see in our future collaboration offerings.

    To follow Regan's comments, I believe most of the existing collaboration content would be valuable for anyone looking to improve their collaboration skills to digest, cross-team or otherwise, see further suggestions below:

    -Optimizing Virtual Collaboration - Course
    -Exploring Virtual Collaboration - Course
    -Encouraging Team Communication and Collaboration - Course
    -Forming a cross functional team - AI Simulator
    -Expert Insights on Collaboration - Video
    -Effective Meetings and Remote Collaboration - Channel

  • I'll take a look. Thanks so much for your response and the details!

  • Mika
    First Anniversary First Comment
    edited March 2024

    Hi Claudia @Claudia Trapp, I was looking for resources about this topic as well. And here are some I found relevant to me. Hope you'll find it helpful.

    • Becoming a Successful Collaborator
    • Building Rapport through Strong Collaboration
    • Working Well with Others
    • Encouraging Team Communication and Collaboration
    • The Collaborative Leader
    • Leadership Insights on Leading Collaboratively