Custom Learning Journeys - Need report which details journey/track contents

It would be extremely beneficial if there was a report specifically for Custom Learning Journeys and the tracks/content within the journey. Details such as the Journey Title, Track Title, Track content title, Content details (URL, type, etc.). When we need to add/remove content to tracks we have no way of identifying which tracks the custom content items are assigned to.

Ideally this detailed report could also be used in some way for bulk editing/importing journeys/tracks/content etc.

Additionally, if you go into editing a custom learning journey, and go to modify a track, you are unable to see what the custom content piece assigned actually links to from within the track. You need to find the content in the track, then search the custom content for that content title to see the details of the content. Ideally you could view/edit the custom content within the journey/track instead of having to go to other pages to find details regarding the custom content.

1 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Monica Kraft
    Monica Kraft
    100 Comments 25 Likes First Anniversary 5 Awesomes

    We are working on enhancements to the journey reporting to include contents in the journey, and expect to have this completed in 2024.

    Additionally, we will consider adding the link on the Custom Content card so that you do not have to click in or search for it. We will look for an opportunity to add this in the next quarters plan.

    Thank you for your suggestions.

  • Caleb Ho
    Caleb Ho
    5 Up Votes First Comment

    Dear all,

    Thought that i'll add on to this thread, instaed of creating a new idea.

    1. All Content Listing Report - Add Track Title

    Everything is in order, except when admin wants to find out which tracks are in each journey, and which content titles reside within which tracks.

    Ideally, we want to have a track numbering.


    Add column "Track Title" : e.g. "Communication Essentials"

    Add column "Track Number": e.g. "Track 1", "Track 2" etc.

  • Caleb Ho
    Caleb Ho
    5 Up Votes First Comment

    Dear all,

    Thought I'll add on to this thread instead of creating a new idea.

    Related to this:

    1. All Content Listing Report - Add Track Title

    Could we add "Track Title" into this report as well. Seems that everything is in order, except when an admin wants to find out the tracks of each journey.

    Ideally, the tracks could also be numbered so admins can see at a glance which tracks appear first.

    2. Reporting for Tracks in a Journey

    Ideally, everywhere journeys are reported, these can be segregated to Track level.

    (Have a column and numbering of tracks as above.)

    Alongside, to show track completion status, percent… and anything related to the track level.