Audience Management - improvement on controlling management as Manager or Learning Admin

I am finding the audience management options very restrictive for audience managers/owners who are not site admins. (Managers and Learning Admins)
We started with team automation for audiences (which was nice) from attributes. However, it did not allow for an audience owner to be set after generation (to allow for child audience creation/management).
We then went to site admin creating individual audiences for each manager and assigning admin rights. Only to find out when creating child audiences you can only create via attributes, not by assigning individuals from the "parent" audience into newly created "child" audiences.
This now leaves us with having to either not utilize audiences (for report filtering, assignments, etc.), to designate an individual or two to manage all audiences (vs. letting "managers" manage how to define child audiences which is more efficient), setting up so many attributes that cause way too much overhead in an effort to allow managers ability to create needed audiences, or make all our managers site admins (which does not seem like a good approach).
The lack of being able to create child audiences from team automation (simple attributes) audiences due to unable to set an audience admin we could overcome with creating by hand and manually updating as changes occur. But now with inability to easily control child audiences as an audience admin from members of the parent adds considerable administrative overhead. Is there another solution to handle this issue that I am not aware of? Or can the ability to create audiences more in-line with site admin rights for Managers and Learning Admins be opened up?
@Jeffrey can we please have a meeting to discuss your particular use case along with your Customer Success Manager? We have a number of roadmap items around team automation and manager role, adding individual users to child audiences, and adding more audience rules (such as "OR" operator). Please contact @Hema Vanapalli to schedule a discussion? Thanks!