Postcard size marketing templates

We have a large employee population (130k) that have access to Percipio and its many learning resources. Our largest audience (40k) are Part-Time and are in a warehouse environment. This audience is also the primary place we find candidates for positions at the next level up (Full-Time.)

We recognize the difficulty of getting this audience to access training, but feel the effort is worth it. Percipio is like a gym membership for the mind. If employees know they have free access to a gym, even if they don't take advantage of it, they walk away feeling good that their company is invested in them -- employee morale.

Please create marketing templates in the form of a postcard, front and back. You can create multiple versions of the postcard, each with a different positive message with images that can be used. An area for a QR code for customer's specific Percipio site.

In the Post-COVID season we are seeing an increased desire for face-2-face training sessions. This is a great place to have postcards available for people to take after class. For those attending a New Manager training, an action step afterwards can be to take several postcards and share them with your team at appropriate times. HR expects managers to play an active role in the training and development of their team. The reality is that managers prioritize running the business, people development is an afterthought. A postcard like this can help bridge this gap, make it easier for managers to engage in people development while running the business.


    25 Up Votes Second Anniversary First Comment
    edited January 2023
    @Ryan Ahern @Cindy Miller @Kyle Dunham

    Please read this post. I have a great opportunity this February / March to socialize Percipio to folks attending classroom training sessions. Open to brainstorming this further if needed.
  • Unknown
    edited January 2023
    Hi, @Bernardo Suero. Thank you for reaching out. My team is not formally resourced for marketing activities of this nature, but I'm happy to try and explore a solution. Are there particular elements of the platform that you'd like to promote within the postcard templates? Perhaps Skill Benchmarks, Aspire Journeys, Digital Badges, Learning Goals, and the mobile app? Does that sound like a decent list to start with? I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts. And I'll gladly see what we can do. Thank you.