Not allowing assignments ability to cancel and inactivate on specific users

Tina Wang
Tina Wang
Our company leverages Elucidat (cloud based) for creating our e-learning. We created an assignment and sent out to our users. One day, the e-learning module broke due to a deleted Elucidat release. Even though we were able to refresh the e-learning version and upload the new version on Percipio, the assignment audience who already started taking the e-learning before the breakage can’t see the new version. Users who didn’t take the e-learning prior to the breakage were able to see it.  We noticed Percipio didn’t have the capability to reset learner’s progress back to Not Started, effectively getting folks stuck in the broken module with no way out. As such, we had to cancel the assignment (impacting 6K users), recreate a new course and assignment, reassign to the 6K with multiple email communication, which caused major confusion. We would prefer not to have to cancel the assignment and recreate the whole thing, but that is what we had to do. Other LMS when situations like these arise, we are able to have someone on the backend mass drop the course and users can start the course again without needing to cancel and re-create the assignment. Wanted to get this on your radar this was a big pain point for us.
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