Percipio Journey Reporting
Dany Hollingsworth

The Journey User Detail Report does not have a column for Journey Completion like the Journey Summary Report Does. Is this something that can be improved? The Journey User Detail gives me the data I need to differentiate between audience groups, but I can’t report on how many of each group completed the journey in its entirety in a period of time. The Journey summary report shows me who has completed a journey, but I can’t break it down by groups.
Hi Dany,
the journey detail by user report is a learner-level report that focuses on bringing you journeys and their contents that individual learners within their audience groups have activities in today, and journey summary report is a summary-level report which can present you with overall activities of a selected journey, so you'll see the total # of journey completions in this report.
We are working on designing our DW new journey report(s) in Q3, which will allow you to slice and dice the overall activities your audience groups had on each journey and its tracks during the selected timeframe, including # of completions and % of completions, so maybe that's something you'll find more useful to your case.