Ability to Disable or Edit Modaility Naming Conventions

Is an eLearning a Watch, Read, Listen, or Practice? I feel they could transcend these default categories. I wish there was a means to modify the default modality selection for content to allow for naming conventions preferred by an organization. I realize this is intended for filtering of content, but the existing may not fully align with custom content. If we could edit, disable, add new modalities that would be appreciated and useful.
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  • Donna Scontsas
    Donna Scontsas
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker
    edited April 2022
    @Vanessa Mosher I do not believer we have plans to allow admins to change the naming conventions for modalities.

    @Michael Murphy is this something that is under consideration?
  • Erin
    Third Anniversary
    edited May 2022
    This is definitely a much needed feature in Percipio, especially for custom content and channels. For most of our colleagues, it is not intuitive for them to click each modality to find additional assets. The preference would be to allow Site Admins the ability to turn on/off this feature for custom channels and/or customize the modality types to those that align with organization. In addition as it relates to viewing content within channels, it would be great if there were layout options Site Admins could choose. So, instead of assets taking up a lot of real estate within the channel by essentially stacking on top of one another, especially if there are a lot of assets, the layout could be condensed to allow more assets to display in a tile layout for example. 

    @Patrice Koonce & @Sue Orchanian