Limitations of only one Role assignment per Percipio user

Some customers have the  challenges with the limitations of only one Role assignment per Percipio user, namely Learning Admins & Content C roles.

They have a  decentralised organisation and each Strategic Business Unit has its own learning team, often consisting of only 1 or 2 members. The challenge is that the SBUs struggle to make good use of Live Courses as to assign Content Curator/Coordinator role to a learning team member means that they lose important Learning Admin role privileges. In the ideal world, a new role which combines both the Learning Admin and Content Curator or Content Coordinator privileges would address this. Even, to simply add the ability to Manage/Print Rosters for Live Courses to Learning Admins privileges would go some way towards unburdening the few Content Coordinators that we have (although this doesn’t address all the challenges but would certainly help)

Can you share this with the product development team and let us know if this is something that is being or might be considered or not.

8 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Kiersten Yocum
    Kiersten Yocum
    100 Comments 5 Likes
    edited October 2021
  • Hema Vanapalli
    Hema Vanapalli
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Awesomes 5 Likes
    edited October 2021

    Thanks @Kiersten Yocum!

    @Vanessa Gooderham - So the good news is that we are extending customization of content management privileges to learning admins, by end of Q4 or early Q1 2022.
    With these changes, admins will be able to extend these privileges to their learning admins so that they can start building live courses for their users. By default, these privileges would be OFF.