Increase the limit of characters in localized compliance courses
Jakub Krej

Please, consider increasing the limit of characters in localized compliance courses title to avoid confusion (and frustration) of users. At the moment if a title is too long, it is shortened and the missing part is replaced with "...". In the situation in which there are 11 courses starting with "Cybersecurity" and the important part which helps users tell one course from another is hidden/ replaced by "..." one finds it hard to navigate between courses.
If it is impossible to inrease the limit of characters, perhaps you could consider moving the important part of the title to the front?
Jakub Krej
Please, consider increasing the limit of characters in localized compliance courses title to avoid confusion (and frustration) of users. At the moment if a title is too long, it is shortened and the missing part is replaced with "...". In the situation in which there are 11 courses starting with "Cybersecurity" and the important part which helps users tell one course from another is hidden/ replaced by "..." one finds it hard to navigate between courses.
If it is impossible to inrease the limit of characters, perhaps you could consider moving the important part of the title to the front?
Jakub Krej