Journey Reports - Catch-all activity (custom & Percipio)

Caleb Ho
Caleb Ho
25 Up Votes
Hi team,

Some clients have been asking for:
- Journey reports to show all assets completed/ in progress/ "not started",
-Regardless of whether learners have accessed the content through the journey, or not.

I have explained the rationale that Journey reports:
- are meant to track interaction with Journeys.
- will become very massive if this is adopted.

However, given that a significant number of clients like to have this "automated", this feature will be good.

- have an extra filter (or "switch") in the three (3) Journey reports,
- When "switched-on", it will  capture all activity,
- regardless of the learner interacting with the Journey, or otherwise.

An added criteria for including this learner could be:
- at least 1 asset (video/ book/ course) in the journey has been accessed before,
- regardless of the learner interacting with the Journey, or otherwise.


Benefits to this idea:
- Adding a "switch"/ filter retains the purpose of Journey reports capturing only interactions with journeys.
- But still gives the option of switching to another mode.
(Where activity is captured regardless of interaction with the journey).

- Allows learners to be rest assured that their activity will still be seen/ captured by managers, especially if managers create a journey where they have previously completed all inclusive assets (in the new journey).
- Clients (managers) will not become frustrated at needing to tell learners who have completed all assets included the journey, apart/ outside from the journey. To navigate to the journey and start on a course again, just so as to capture their learning in the "Journey Reports" for management to see.

Let me know if any questions!

Thank you team, for your time & effort!
2 votes

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