Equivalency and Exemption Options Needed

We use content in Percipio Core for multiple assignments of individual courses and even journeys and really need a method for applying equivalency or exemptions. 

This currently exists in Percipio Compliance and would allow administrators to review content being assigned in Core and take into consideration when a learner participates in other similar online courses, live training outside of Percipio, has on-the-job experience, facilitates a similar topic themselves, etc. and then record that learner has either met equal training needs or should be exempted from the content for other reasons.

2 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Unknown
    edited April 2022
    Hi Steve,

    Right! currently we are working on a feature called "completion override", which allow admins to grant an override (or a waiver) to learners on some content, in the scenario that they have completed something else similar to that content, we will deliver a MVP version of this feature soon in this Quarter.

    Another feature that's related to this topic is called External Learning, which applies to the scenario that a learner has completed the same content outside Percipio. On one hand we would like admins to be able to import External Learning records into the reports & learning records on Percipio, on the other hand, we'd like learners themselves to submit an "external learning" they had outside the platform, we are working on them both now and will provide updates soon!

  • Steve Dunn
    Steve Dunn
    edited May 2022
    @Bowen Yang, Great news and we appreciate this update.  We'll look forward to seeing more in the future but welcome any requests for assistance with testing or additional discussions.

    Keep up the great work!