Prevent assignment email to users who have previously completed training
Steve Dunn
It appears that assignment emails go out to everybody in an assigned audience, even if they have already completed the prescribed training.
As there is no way for learners to complete a course more than one time in Core (although that is a feature we'd love to have as we have custom content that needs to be reviewed and reported on repeatedly), it would be nice to prevent email notices with new due dates going out to learners who have already completed the training due to their membership in multiple audiences and causing confusion and frustration.
As there is no way for learners to complete a course more than one time in Core (although that is a feature we'd love to have as we have custom content that needs to be reviewed and reported on repeatedly), it would be nice to prevent email notices with new due dates going out to learners who have already completed the training due to their membership in multiple audiences and causing confusion and frustration.
Have you raised a support case about this?
We use learner consolidated assignment notifications and our experience has been that users who have already completed the assignment do not receive emails. It would definitely cause confusion if they were to receive emails.
Just wanted to chime in to help.
Michael0 -
@Michael Sanchez,
Thanks for the feedback as this is helpful to know that the intended result is for emails to not be included for users having the learning object already in a completed status. I'll reach out and place a support ticket and see if we can investigate more deeply.
Appreciate you,
Steve0 -
@Michael Sanchez,
After several back-and-forth communications with the support team, we've been informed that this is the intended behavior for the emails from Percipio during the "launch" phase and that learners will receive them whether they have already completed the training or not.
It appears that emails will only not be sent to learners in a completed status when using the email reminder button. The initial email that goes out during an assignment launch however will include everybody regardless of completion status.
This seems to be in conflict with the fact that Core does not allow the same learning object to be assigned more than one time to learners...but will email them that they have been if they happen to be in an audience that gets assigned at a future time.
Since we have learners who sometimes exist in multiple audiences, we're encountering this issue quite often and would like to identify a way to not have them receive email if they have already completed the training.0 -
@Steve Dunn
This is interesting. I have personally validated that initial assignment emails do not go to employees who have already completed the activity. This was one of our top concerns as well, along with multiple assignments to the same user who happened to exist across multiple audiences.
I just noticed that you are referencing Percipio in your original post, which we only use for its library and not to actually assign content.
We are using the full Sumtotal LMS for notifications and assignments so the notifications may behave differently across platforms/products. The exact notification we use is titled "Learner Consolidated Learning Activity Assignment Notification".
If they do behave differently across products i wonder what the rationale would be there?
Best of luck!
Best Regards,
Michael Sanchez0 -
@Michael Sanchez
That helps clarify the difference as we are using Percipio as a stand-alone tool and it is generating the emails directly. The awareness that the SumTotal product has found a solution is beneficial as the Percipio Team may have some resources to discuss this need and determine if a similar functionality could be implemented.
Thanks for your feedback!
Take Care,
Steve0 -