Allows same email assigned to multiple users
Tina Wang

Currently, Percipio identifies email ID as a unique field attribute - users with the same generic email (such as inf0@company are not able to be used for multiple users. Percipio will recognize duplication and not allow users to be uploaded into the system.
We have a lot of users that share the same emails from the same company so we are not able to load the users via bulk import unless we remove one of the multiple emails out of the rest of the users. This causes a lot of manual labor on our end to remove the email, determine who did not get the email assigned in Percipio so we can keep a record.
We have a lot of users that share the same emails from the same company so we are not able to load the users via bulk import unless we remove one of the multiple emails out of the rest of the users. This causes a lot of manual labor on our end to remove the email, determine who did not get the email assigned in Percipio so we can keep a record.