Skillsoft Reports
Erin Manning
If reports have a record limit (makes sense) then there must be more filtering capability. Use case: I assign a different course every week to all employees (400+). I can only run this report by date which means I will eventually run out of records becasue the filtering will only allow me to get every course ever assigned. I need to be able to filter out inactive employees or archived courses or something. I cannot use audiences because we have to create a new audience every week based on how the training assignment works, cannot filter by course unless a wild card is offered.
I think the reporting is great, but it ignores some basic use cases, more granular filtering and wild cards woud be awesome!
I think the reporting is great, but it ignores some basic use cases, more granular filtering and wild cards woud be awesome!
Hey @Erin Manning thank you for highlighting this. Please try our new beta reports which has the robust filtering capacity to support your need. Eventually all our reports will have this feature.0