Learner Access to Time in Course / Course Duration

Third Anniversary First Comment 5 Up Votes
Our organization has annual learning goals where employees must meet a required number of learning hours. Currently, only managers, learning admins and site admins can use analytics to report on time learner spends training in percipio. Learners do have access to limited information in their learning activity - Course name, status, started date, completion date, and highest score, but it would be helpful if they had access to their time spent training in each course so they can track their progress towards the goal. Would it be possible to add 'Time Spent in Course' or 'Duration' to the Activity report that  learners can pull from the Activity menu item?
1 votes

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  • Donna Scontsas
    Donna Scontsas
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker
    edited July 2023

    @Rayna Sheldon We do have plans to add time spent learning to the Activity CSV download file so that learners are able to manipulate, sort, and filter the data as needed. For example, they can filter activities to display only courses taken over a specific period. We plan to release this feature in the Q3/Q4 timeframe, if all goes as planned.

  • Donna Scontsas
    Donna Scontsas
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker

    After a long delay, this feature has been released to production