Scheduled Report Builder

We run the same reports on a monthly and quarterly basis. It would be helpful to have the ability to schedule these reports in advance and have them emailed to you on the selected date.
6 votes

Added to Roadmap · Last Updated


  • Steve Dunn
    Steve Dunn
    edited February 2022
    We second this idea and would like to include the ability to target the email to specific recipients so that we're able to automate providing program stakeholders with scheduled feedback.
  • Unknown
    edited April 2022
    Hi Kristen and Steve,

    Thanks for the right on time feedback, a top priority we are working on is the "report sharing" feature to allow users to share a downloaded reports to other users or audiences through the download folder. And the feature of "report scheduler" is the next one which will come up in the next Quarter!

  • Erin
    Third Anniversary
    edited May 2022
    We second this idea as well. Not only would it cut down on the amount of time it takes to semi-customize, run and then customize a report again, but it will also allow us to easily integrate this data in our PowerBi reporting dashboard for immediate access for leaders. If we can schedule a custom report to be sent weekly, this data can then be automatically imported into the PowerBi tool. In addition though, the ability to truly customize the report is a huge need in Percipio. This was a great feature in the old SkillPort system and without it in Percipio, it has taken a lot of time for us to run reports on completion status for multiple assets that may live in different channels for example. Ultimately, we have to delete and filter the data out of the Excel download rather than having the ability to build & customize our fields right within Percipio (i.e. adding multiple assets to one report) before exporting to Excel. 

    @Patrice Koonce & @Sue Orchanian
  • Sue Orchanian
    edited May 2022
    @Monica Kraft  I thought you might be interested in seeing these comments.
  • Steve Dunn
    Steve Dunn
    edited May 2022
    @Bowen Yang,
    One more bit of great news and very much appreciated!