Improve navigation within Journeys
Gina Spindler

Currently, users who have gone into their content items have to follow the small breadcrumb links at the top of the page, or use the back buttons on their browsers, to navigate Journeys. Users may miss the top navigation and not know how to find their track quickly. Something like a "Back to Track" or "Back to Journey" button might be easier to spot and less confusing.
@Gina Spindler Thank you for your feedback. We are looking at various options to improve the navigation when you are in a journey, so that you can easily navigate to the next or previous items in the journey without having to go back to the journey page. We are in early stages of planning and there is more to come in this area, so stay tuned!0
We just released an enhanced navigation bar for journeys that enables you to easily navigate forward or backwards through content in a journey or to return to the track or journey landing page.