Idea for Dynamic Promotions
Nevin Magee

As an Engagement Manager in Migrations, one of my favorite features to cover in my client sessions is Promoted Content. This feature is very powerful and consistently has me and my colleagues thinking outside the box. Creating custom assets (i.e. - client specific pdf, client internal link) and promoting them is one of the 1st steps out of the box. The custom image banner is a great way to showcase client specific initiatives. Elizabeth Yarnell came up with the idea of creating a Word Cloud as an image to assist the client in bringing focus to their learning patterns.
My idea is to take a further step outside of the box, with dynamic promotions.
- Generated from user data already captured within the client's Percipio. The list can be long, but a few that come to mind are: (any of these options could be targeted promotions by specific audience(s))
- Badges earned
- Hours of learning
- Most popular Titles
- It would be great to automatically generate a Word Cloud or Word Bubbles on this type of data.
- Most Learner Activity by department
- Most Learner Activity by location
- Most popular Journeys
- etc

- Generated from external data. Allowing the client to import a small focused dataset, unrelated to Percipio analytics. To showcase this data, it would need to adhere to a pre-created set of templates.
- Word Cloud
- Word Bubbles
- Graphs
- etc
This is fantastic - such a great way to promote usage and to show case learner engagement! You are a "rock star"0