Simplify - Live Event, Live Course, Bootcamp, Leadercamp

25 Up Votes Second Anniversary First Comment
Please simplify your live events by consolidating the different types. Leaners don't care about and don't need to know the difference between a bootcamp, leadercamp, live course and live event. 5 seconds into my Skillsoft rep explaining the difference I've already determined this is too complicated and unnecessary. If I try to explain it to a learner or my boss I will get a blank look.

Also, the user experience should be the same. Today for bootcamps / live courses I register for the upcoming event. For Live Events I don't register; I can add it to my calendar and must come back to Percipio to watch.
8 votes

Archived · Last Updated


  • Gretchen Seyfried
    edited September 2022
    Hi Bernardo,

    I absolutely agree that this needs to be simplified. I think some of the recent improvements are a great start; however, I believe that the live events also need to be included.

    Thanks for submitting this suggestion,
  • Patti Sanders
    Patti Sanders
    edited February 2023

    Thanks for posting this. I absolutely agree. Leadercamp vs. Live course is irrelevant to our learners. Also, the Bootcamp calendar needs to include workable links to the registration page. The new view in Percipio is nice, but there still needs to be a calendar view to see a month view. The view on doesn't have working links.


  • Hi Bernado

    How possible is it to get the Live events /Bootcamps/leadercamps in an excel version of it than the Calendar view?