App & audiobooks: see timing within chapters
Claudia Trapp

Use case: I'm listening to an audiobook. Something is mentioned that I want to write down, so I want to rewind slightly. The bar on the bottom to drag to different times is for the whole book. For a book of a few hours, it's really hard - read impossible - to just backtrack for a short period. I was at 6 minutes - I tried multiple times and I'm either back at 1 minute in or at 10 minutes.
The app Libby I use for my public library audiobooks has the possibility to see your time within a chapter. That way, I can more easily backtrack a short period.
The app Libby I use for my public library audiobooks has the possibility to see your time within a chapter. That way, I can more easily backtrack a short period.
Great feedback - we will add this to our roadmap and having more refined ability to rewind/fastforward is needed for audiobooks. Thanks! @Melvin Gabriel0