Notification of new content for Custom channels

Taria Wheeler
Taria Wheeler
Third Anniversary
It would be great to have a notification setting to advise staff of new content uploaded to employer customer channels, so that this could be managed from Percipio rather than having to send separate emails via outlook and ensuring it reaches the right people.  A weekly notification to an audience would be great.
1 votes

Archived · Last Updated


  • Meghann Herbert
    Meghann Herbert
    edited November 2022
    Hello - there is a monthly email that goes out to alert customers to new and/or retiring content that takes you to the report that shows you all the new stuff. If you aren't getting these, please let me know. Thanks!
  • Taria Wheeler
    Taria Wheeler
    Third Anniversary
    edited November 2022
    Thanks Meghann, yet we get these as site admins. I'm talking about when we upload our own custom content to a channel we have set up for our company and being able to notify a specific audience when new content is added.  What you are referring to is only for the Skillsoft content.  I've checked this with our Customer Success Manager already and he suggested I post it in here for something to be looked at in the future.
  • Meghann Herbert
    Meghann Herbert
    edited November 2022
    Thanks for the explanation! That makes more sense now. One option could be  to use the new admin promoted content email that just launched. You could promote the new content in a strip and send an email by audience. Here are some details if you're interested:

  • Taria Wheeler
    Taria Wheeler
    Third Anniversary
    edited November 2022
    Thank you, that's awesome. I will check it out!