Percipio Playlist Searchability

Wouldn't it be amazing for learners to be able to make their playlist searchable by their peers within Percipio? Think about Apple Music playlists and how users can make them searchable to the public.  Learners in Percipio can flip a switch to make their custom playlist searchable or not. I know I would personally be inspired to see my CEO or Manager's training playlist - awesome! (Kudos to Sharon Warshany for this idea!)

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  • Donna Scontsas
    Donna Scontsas
    Third Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes Combo Breaker
    edited January 2022
    @Kristina Koontz Thank you for passing along this suggestion. We are currently enhancing the overall playlist experience to enable learners to create and manage multiple playlists and share playlists with other learners. 
    We are also considering options to assign and search for playlists in a future release, but haven't committed to that yet.